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Chris Brown

Chris Brown

But never have I been so moved by a film as I was by this one. After I reviewed it, I told our staff we had to do something we'd never done before--partner with its creators to produce a version of it that others can use in their work with dads, their children, and their families. -Chris Brown

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June Hawkins

June Hawkins

I encouraged every man in my life to take their sons to see the play. It's not only for Black fathers and sons's for Fathers and Sons... I salute you Coley and Ahmarr. -June Hawkins

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Vash Turner

Vash Turner

For me this was a reality of the environment I was raised in. I had numerous amounts of friends and family members that had fathers that were incarcerated. I would hear from them a scaled down version when I was younger. Your play gave me the real version from an adult perspective. Thank you for creating this play for the world to know. - Vash Turner

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